Finding bottlenecks with Time Profiler
After watching a WWDC talk on using time profiler, and noticing low framerate in my game, I decided to try using it to find out what I could optimize. To my surprise, I had a bottleneck that the profiler found very quickly. The culprit was this computed variable:
It was called twice every frame in the update method:
The issue was that the property was recomputed every time, which entailed enumeration through all of the scene's children. So by replacing it with a stored property set once at didMoveToView, I was able to eliminate two enumerations of the scene's children each frame. I don't remember the exact effect on CPU usage, but I think that the % of CPU my update function was using dropped from 30% to 2.4% or so, and the game now runs much more smoothly.
var playerSprite: PlayerSprite? {
return self["PlayerSprite"][0] as? PlayerSprite
override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
guard didInitialize else {return}
camera!.position = playerSprite!.position
for child in self.children {
(child as? OverworldSpriteNode)?.updateWithDeltaTime(1/60)
k = (k + 1) % 7_200
if playerSprite?.position.isInRect(bounds) == false {
playerSprite?.gameOver() //not counting this one because the condition evaluates to false in the majority of frames
The issue was that the property was recomputed every time, which entailed enumeration through all of the scene's children. So by replacing it with a stored property set once at didMoveToView, I was able to eliminate two enumerations of the scene's children each frame. I don't remember the exact effect on CPU usage, but I think that the % of CPU my update function was using dropped from 30% to 2.4% or so, and the game now runs much more smoothly.
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